Where do you really draw the line between sanity and insanity as an artist? 

What kind of self-image are you living by when you are considered to be standing on the frontline of music and being a trendsetter.
But on the other hand feel trapped inside yourself and your own mentality? 

We often categorize ourselves into one thing, one way to be, one way to feel. What is it that really happens when who we are, and feel are opposite poles? When there’s a constant battle between the greatness of ourselves and being swallowed up in an ocean of despair at the same time? Can the two states of being and self-perception co-exist? 

Asme’s ”Mår Inte Bra” is a visual inspired by the song title itself and the concept of the album, ”Tusen Flows”.
Asmes request for this music video was a choir of young rappers and him as a choir director.
The role of a choir director represents Asmes influence as an artist in the Swedish hiphop scene, in terms of flow and artistry. 

How is it possible that such a powerful person also is locked up in a mental institution, with the very same rappers seen in the choir?
Was he really leading them?
What kind drugs is he being given by the staff?
Was it all in his head?

Being given the opportunity to create a story for Asme is an honor of mine.
I loved the song the moment it dropped in my email account and knew that this would be a different production.
It was my first time directing this many talents and having to actually BUILD scenes, the reception room, cell and the bedroom.
We’re talking putting upp walls, building a fake window, drilling machine etc. 

I have a tendency to become very emotionally attached to what I’m directing and can go to the restroom for a ”break” (mental breakdown) if what’s infront of me isn’t aligning with my vision. But I’m so grateful for each and everyone in the production crew that gave their all to this project and made the vision a reality.
Even with setbacks, when we accidentally got the smoke alarm to go off in the Opera and had to wait for the fire department outside of the building in full panic.
These are the experiences that matter and that make it worth it. 

/ Entisar <3


